Reception of the Mysore Hostage Princes - Various Depictions


The Reception of the Mysorean Hostage Princes by Marquis Cornwallis, 26 February 1792

By Robert Home (National Army Museum).


Lord Cornwallis receiving the Hostage Princes [sons of Tipu Sultan]

By Mather Brown (Victoria Memorial Hall).


The Departure of The Sons of Tippoo Sultan from the Zennana

By Mather Brown.


Marquis Cornwallis receiving the royal hostages at Seringapatam

James Gillray after James Northcote.


Tippoo Sultaun delivering to Gullum Alli Beg his Vakeel his two sons

By Joseph Grozer after Henry Singleton (Bonhams).


The Right Hon. Charles Marquis Cornwallis receiving the two sons of Tippoo Sultaun

By J Grozer after Henry Singleton (Bonhams).


The Definitive Treaty By The Hostage Princes Of Tipu Sultan Into The Hands Of Lord Cornwallis

By Mather Brown.


Tippoo's Two Sons Given up as Hostages

(Colorized by the author).


Marquess of Cornwallis receiving Hostage of Tipoo Sultan

(Rashtrapati Bhavan).


The Surrender of Two Sons of Tippoo Sultaun

By Cardon after Singleton.


Lord Cornwallis receiving the son of Tipu Sultan

By Johann Zoffany (Victoria Memorial Hall).


The Two Sons of Tipu Sahib, Sultan of Mysore, Being Handed over as Hostages to General Cornwallis

By Robert Smirke.


Tippoo Saib's Two Sons taking leave of Their Mother

(Bid & Hammer).


Tippoo Saib's two Sons deliverd up to Lord Cornwallis

Published by Robert Sayer & Co.


Lord Cornwallis receiving the Sons of Tippoo Saib as Hostages

By J Brown after William Marshall Craig.


The Sons of Sultan Tippu are received by Lord Cornwallis as Hostages

By William Henry Margetson.


Tipoo Sahib's Sons Delivered as Hostages to the English

(Colorized by the author).

Following Tipu Sultan's defeat in the Third Anglo-Mysore War, he was forced to sign a treaty of peace, ceding a large portion of his dominions and a substantial financial settlement to the British. To ensure that the treaty was fulfilled, Governor-General Lord Cornwallis demanded two of Tipu's sons as hostages. Consequently, the young princes Abdul Khaliq, Tipu's second son aged ten, and Muiz-ud-din, his third son aged eight, were surrendered to Lord Cornwallis.

Robert Home, the renowned British painter, accompanied Cornwallis' army in Mysore and made numerous sketches of this momentous event.

Foreign painters such as Mather Brown, Arthur William Devis, F. Bartolozzi, Henry Singleton, Joseph Grozer, and many others also depicted this event based on hearsay while they were in England.

The title of the painting varies, including Delivery of the Definitive treaty by the Hostage Princes into the hands of Lord Cornwallis, The Marquess Cornwallis receiving the Hostage Princes, The Hostage Princes delivering the definitive treaty to Lord Cornwallis, The Departure of the Sons of Tippoo, The sons of Tippoo Sultan leaving their father, The departure of the son's of Tippoo from the Zenana, and more.

However, Home's sketches stand out for being created on the spot, offering a vibrant and accurate depiction of the event.
