Baz Bahadur, Last Sultan of Malwa

In 1542, the Afghan King Sher Shah Suri conquered Malwa and appointed Shujaat Khan as its governor. Adali, the last king of the Sur dynasty, confirmed him as the governor of Malwa. The civil war among the Suris likely benefitted Shujaat Khan. At the time of Humayun's return from Persia (Iran), he was virtually independent.

Shujaat Khan divided the kingdom among his sons: Daulat Khan Ujala was given Ujjain, Raisen and Bhilsa were made over to his youngest son Mustafa Khan, Handia and another area went to his eldest son Malik Bayazid, while Shujaat Khan retained control of Sarangpur.


Shujaat Khan died in 1554. The town Shujalpur is named after him.

After his father's death, Bayazid took over Sarangpur and declared himself Sultan in 1555, assuming the title of Baz Bahadur (r: 1555-1562), with Mandu as his capital. He treacherously killed Daulat Khan and seized Ujjain. Shortly after his accession, Baz Bahadur marched to Raisen and expelled Mustafa Khan, taking possession of both Raisen and Bhilsa. He also captured many independent cities in Malwa.

Baz Bahadur was not just a ruler; he was a celebrated musician whose court was a haven for poets, musicians and dancers.

Mustafa Khan found refugee with Durgavati, the queen-regent of Gondwana (Garha Katanga), who ruled on behalf of her minor son, Vir Narayan. Pursuing Mustafa Khan, Baz Bahadur invaded the Rani's kingdom. The queen fiercely opposed Baz Bahadur, resulting in the total destruction of his troops and his subsequent retreat to Mandu.

After this defeat, Baz Bahadur devoted his life entirely to music. He spent his days with his beloved queen Rupmati, indulging in sensual pleasures, and leaving the affairs of the kingdom to his ministers.

Akbar's Conquest of Malwa

The conquest of Malwa by Akbar (1560-61) was a significant event in Mughal history. The first attempt on Malwa was led by Bahadur Khan in 1560. He had advanced as far as Sipri (now Shivpuri), but was recalled due to Bairam Khan's rebellion.

In 1561, Akbar sent a formidable army led by his generals Adham Khan Koka and Pir Muhammad against Baz Bahadur. Baz Bahadur marched to Sarangpur to oppose them. Suffering defeat, he fled towards Khandesh. The Mughals occupied Malwa and Adham Khan was appointed as the governor.


Adham Khan took possession of all the wealth and property of Baz Bahadur including the women of his harem. Rupmati, the queen, chose to poison herself rather than fall into the hands of Adham Khan.

Also Read: Rupmati, queen of Mandu

Baz Bahadur Re-occupies Malwa

Adham Khan kept all of Baz bahadur's treasures for himself and sent only a few elephants to Akbar. This greatly offended the emperor and Adham Khan was recalled. Pir Muhammad was then entrusted with the governance of Malwa.

Pir Muhammad marched toward Burhanpur against Miran Mubarak Shah, the ruler of Khandesh who was helping Baz Bahadur. After a fierce battle, Pir Muhammad captured Burhanpur. Mubarak Shah and Baz Bahadur appealed for aid to Tufal Khan, the governor of Berar. The allied forces fought with Pir Muhammad and defeated him. On his retreat, Pir Muhammad fell into the river Rewa and drowned. Baz Bahadur re-occupied Malwa in triumph.

Mughal Occupation of Malwa

In 1562, Akbar sent Abdullah Khan Uzbek to confront Baz Bahadur once again. "As soon as Baz Bahadur received the news of the approach of the imperial army, being conscious of his inability, he escaped and the whole region fell into their hands." Upon, Baz Bahadur's flight, Malwa was annexed to the Mughal empire in that year.

Baz Bahadur Enters Akbar's Service

After years of wandering in exile and seeking assistance from various states, Baz Bahadur finally offered his submission to Akbar. In 1571, Akbar sent Hassan Khan Khazanchi to bring Baz Bahadur to his court at Nagaur. Badauni mentions that he was imprisoned for some time. Later on he gained favour and was made a commander of 2000.

Baz Bahadur, "a singer without rival" was listed among Abul Fazl's 36 principal musicians in Akbar's durbar. Badauni noted that Baz Bahadur, who had no equal in this "life-wasting accomplishment" learned the art of music from Muhammad Shah Adil (r: 1555), also known as Adali.

"Baz Bahadur possessed such a dexterity in military exercises and archery, that before a ball of the Chaugan reached the ground, he shot seven arrows; and while the horse ran at full gallop, he loosened the string of the bow, used it as a horsewhip, put it right again, and discharged an arrow. He moreover excelled in music and composition", remarks Nimatullah.


The title of Shujaat Khan was given to Shaikh Ismael by Sher Shah Suri

Daulat Khan Ujala was a close companion of Salim Shah Suri, the son of Sher Shah Suri
